Brass Perspectives Association BG was established at the beginning of 2021 by a group of well-known Bulgarian musicians, popular in their own country and abroad. They share the same deep interest in classical, medieval and contemporary music for brass instruments. The Association aims to actively develop innovative educational structures and exciting music projects that are attractive to performing artists and their audiences.
Our organisation connects Bulgarian musicians who are searching for modern classical and cross-genre projects. We aim to increase the popularity of Bulgarian brass music and current modern artists both on national and international level.
Our Goals
• To support young professional brass musicians in Bulgaria; • To level up the current qualifications of Bulgarian brass music teachers and mentors; • To update the education and methodology of wind instruments according to the newest trends in the European music education; • To attract new young and talented brass musicians and to create the basis for their professional progress in the country including a large spectrum of genres; • To increase the popularity of Bulgarian brass music and the artists performing it; • To revive and preserve the brass band traditions in Bulgaria; • To revive the music criticism in Bulgaria using a series of projects and educational forms for new writers and journalists who have potential interest in this specific subject.
Our Ambitions
• The initiation and realisation of long term national and international projects in a partnership with cultural, educational, state and municipal institutions, as well as music sector NGOs; • To create events, projects and exchanges on a regional, national and international level; • Regular international events inviting the best solo and ensemble brass music teachers from around Europe and the rest of the world; • Implementation of innovative educational structures and initiatives; • Popularising the present and history of Bulgarian brass music tradition - composers, conductors, performing artists etc.; • Regular schedule of concerts, music events and recording activities; • Preserving our brass music writed heritage, using digitalisation to make it accessible online for people all over the world to discover the Bulgarian brass music jems composed during and more than 100 years ago; • Becoming part of international brass music networks.